Monday, November 15, 2010


I admit it:  I'm addicted.  The idea of a 21st century Sherlock Holmes is mind-candy enough, but when the real thing is this fabulous, I have to help spread it all over the internet.  PBS is showing the first three episodes (alas! That's all there is...for now) for free for a limited time HERE.  Thanks to fabulous artists Lucy and Nora for linking to it from their delightful studio blog!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Breaking Up the Band

Wooo!  Back to daily posting!  Curriculum writing and grannysitting has been knocking me out the last few weeks, but I had a fabulous inspiration to get back in the habit yesterday--the oh-so-talented Mark Radcliffe!  Hosted by Angelo and Jeff, and organized by the wonderful Jacynth of Camp Galileo fame, Mark visited us in San Francisco as part of his west coast, check-me-out-I-won-a-Hyundai-Sonata-for-a-month tour.  His dreamy acoustic love songs were a perfect fit for the mood of the evening (wine, friends, and comfy chairs in a gorgeously decorated living room), but he really knocked my socks off when he whipped some killer bluesy riffs out of nowhere on his guitar!

The above doodle is inspired by his hilarious and very observant song, "Breaking Up the Band."  It's track #9 on his new album, which you can listen to (or better yet, buy) at his website!  Go check him out!